Our friends and colleagues who are changing the world.

Portfolio Companies


Adventa Bioscience is on a mission to improve the health of millions of global citizens through our research and commercialization of consumer health products and pharmacological ingredients derived from human milk.

In January of 2021 Adventa launched Trulacta, a first of its kind dietary supplement derived from 100% human milk improving immunity, inflammation and sleep. Trulacta is sold as subscription and one time purchase through the D2C marketplace. Since the launch, Trulacta has proven the viability of human milk as a consumer health product.


Avicena North America is the North American arm of Avicena Systems LTD. Avicena Systems is an award-winning Australian biosecurity company with a ground-breaking, rapid, pandemic-scale screening platform to facilitate detection of COVID-19 and other pathogens. Using simple saliva samples, the Sentinel instrument can process more than 90,000 samples daily with data available in under 45 minutes.

Major near-term applications include large-scale sentinel testing of entire suburbs, regions, and cities; high-density environments such as airports and cruise ships; and crowded places such as factory complexes, major public cultural and sporting events, and religious festivals.


MyndTec Inc., is a privately held medical technology company located in Mississauga, Ontario. MyndTec researches, develops and distributes innovative therapies designed to improve function, maximize independence and enhance the quality of life for individuals with upper limb paralysis due to stroke, spinal cord injury or traumatic brain injury. MyndMove™ is MyndTec’s first product to market.

The technology was developed based on the research conducted at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute and the Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering and the University of Toronto.